Tuesday, September 28, 2010
Mad Men's Jared Harris Cast As Moriarty In Sherlock Holmes 2
Mad Men's Jared Harris Cast As Moriarty In Sherlock Holmes 2
Reported by Jay Cochran - 05:54 PM 2010.09.28
THR reports that actor Jared Harris (Mad Men) has been cast as Holmes' arch-enemy Moriarty in the upcoming Sherlock Holmes sequel from Warner Bros.
Harris joins Sherlock Holmes cast members Robert Downy, Jr. Jude Law and Noomi Rapace for the next installment in the Sherlock Holmes sage which is slated to open in theaters
Monday, September 27, 2010
Fancast: ‘Fringe’s Anna Torv: Olivia Will Find Another Alt-World Ally
Sep 26th, 2010 1:46 PM
The bad news for fans of ‘Fringe’s original-flavor Olivia: As hinted at the close of the Season 3 premiere, an adrenaline rush has led her to be overcome by the implanted “Bolivia” memories, so now she completely believes she is her alternate self.
The good news: Once she does reacquire an awareness of who she really is, our Olivia will get a helping hand in her mission to cross back over.
“For a little bit, you have [lost original Olivia],” Torv shared when Fancast and six other online outlets visited the Vancouver set of Fox’s ‘Fringe’ this week. “But not for a huge amount of time.”
Meaning, Olivia will at some point start to toggle back and forth between memory sets? “She knows there’s something that’s a little bit ‘off,’” Torv confirms.
Thus far, Olivia has recruited only one sympathizer to her cause – a cab driver played in the season opener by Andre Royo (’The Wire’). Though Royo is set to reprise that role a few episodes down the road, he won’t be the only one to entertain Olivia’s endeavor to get back home.
“Further down the line, she does end up finding another ally,” Torv says, measuring her words carefully. Pressed to reveal if it’s perhaps someone we already know “over there” in the alt-verse, Torv clammed up. “I’m not saying anything more!” she said with a laugh, and then apologized for being “cagey.”
Friday, September 24, 2010
Fringe "Olivia" Episode Review by Paul Burrows
We really got to see some of the minor Alternate characters in this episode. One of the biggest differences was Astrid, in the normal world she’s caring and puts up with Walter’s personality problems, but this Astrid is very proficient at her job and was able to hunt down the whereabouts of Olivia ruthlessly and without a second thought. Brandon the Massive Dynamic scientist in our world is kind of a “dude that’s cool” guy, but in the Alt-World he’s a creepy mad scientist without morals. Broyles didn’t have a difference in personality; except for the fact that he was lower key and casual dressed instead of the suits. Charlie was the same as his normal reality character and I was glad since he was my favorite minor character before they killed him off so it was great seeing him again. As for Olivia it was great how we were able to see both Olivia’s just in the Alt-World because of the brainwashing.

First off I actually wanted to see Olivia stay normal Olivia and continue to be on the run since that would have been cool, but there’s going to be some interesting things that will come out of this route also. It’s interesting to see though how many people really don’t know what Walternate is doing and even Broyles who does know some things is not allowed to know everything. It’s interesting to note that Olivia had been in captivity for three days according to Lincoln Lee, her Alt partner, so that was quite a bit of torture and brainwashing with all of her needle marks. The use of the medicine, her escape, Lincoln, Charlie and her Alt Mom was very effective in showing the process of her turning into the Alt-Olivia and her almost drunk laugh at the end was a little creepy. Which is why I’m glad that Henry the Taxi Driver was introduced.

Henry Higgins was the best thing about the episode because of the potential for what probably will happen during the first half of the season. The character Henry Higgins is the name of a stuck up old bachelor in the musical My Fair Lady who took a “Gutter Snipe”, Eliza Doolittle and refined her to become a Lady though the teaching of phonetics and other important things for becoming a lady. I liked how he didn’t believe her at first, but eventually came around. When I saw Henry at the end watching Olivia being driven away it made me think that he is going to be teaching or reminding Olivia of her real life just like Henry in My Fair Lady who taught Eliza how to be a real Lady. At the beginning of this review I mentioned that I didn’t like the fact that Olivia wasn’t going to be on the run this season, but the reason why the creators did this is because it’s the best way to set the show back to its established and successful mode of running things and still rotate back and forth between realities. This way Fringe can still have its freak of the week episodes with Olivia, Charlie, and Lincoln investigating strange occurrences in the Alt-World and Alt-Olivia, Walter & Peter investigating mysteries in the normal world. Plus the overarching story can keep progressing over the season.
“Olivia” was a good episode because it showed us more of the alternate characters, gave us some really good moments between Olivia and Henry Higgins and it wrapped up some things in the season Finale and set the tone for the rest of the season. Oh and make sure to watch closely both during the moment when the Opera House gets amberized and when Olivia visits the park where Massive Dynamic was supposed to be, there’s two Observer sightings in this episode.
Thursday, September 23, 2010
USA Today: Anna Torv on her dual roles in ‘Fringe,’ from Olivia to Bolivia
Anna Torv has plenty of nicknames for her alternate-universe character on the Fox sci-fi series Fringe, among them “Alt-Olivia,” “Altlivia” and even “Bolivia.” Whatever you want to call her, Torv is having a blast with the role. She’s mastered the blond, buttoned-up, ready-for-action FBI agent Olivia Dunham over the course of Fringe’s two seasons, and her doppelganger — who’s also ready for action but a lot more brunette — presents a welcome new challenge for Torv. She hasn’t found a downside to it yet, “except it all gets kind of confusing keeping track,” the Australian actress says with a hearty laugh. The Fringe season finale in May had the two characters switch Earths, as Altlivia (my personal favorite of the nicknames) came back to our reality with Walter Bishop (John Noble) and son Peter (Joshua Jackson), and our Olivia was stuck in the other world and captured by alternate Walter, aka Walternate. The third season premieres tonight with an episode entitled “Olivia,” so you can expect Torv to have a significant role, whichever characters she’s playing. I talked with Torv while she had a break from filming the third episode of the season in Vancouver, so read below for what’s on tap for her, the many Olivias and a possible Olivia/Peter romance. (And if you missed it last week, click here for the Fringe producers’ thoughts on the new year.)
Photos courtesy of Fox
Have you had more scenes as Olivia or the alternate Olivia so far?
A couple. It’s them both, kind of, but not really. [Laughs] I still don’t have the kind of handle that I’d like to have on Altlivia, but what can you do, it’s Fringe.
What’s your favorite aspect of Altlivia so far?
It’s interesting now, because now Alt-Olivia is back on our side and our Olivia is on that side. I love our show. We do it long hours every day, all day, so it was really fun to shake it up a bit. I don’t think you get to do that much, especially not in television where all of a sudden you have a whole new kind of team and new stories, new costumes, new set. I don’t know, just to have that change has been off the wall and I’ve enjoyed every minute, actually.
Altlivia seems so different from Olivia — the hair, of course, but also her style, her fashion sense and everything else. Does that help you in differentiating her from Olivia in your head?
It did. And then they threw the curveball, which is that now they’re both in the opposite outfits. Then it’s actually going, “Oh God, who really is this person without the wig and without the clothes?” It could be one or the other. When this first came up [last season], Akiva Goldman had written the script and also was directing those two episodes. I was lucky enough to be able to just sit down and have quite a few chats about all of that. I would have loved to have made her a completely different character, but we had to keep coming back to the fact that they are extremely similar in that they ended up in the same line of work, the same kind of division, with the same partner even. They really are fundamentally, genetically really the same person. There’s just a front-footedness I think to Altlivia, simply because she just doesn’t carry the weight of the world on her shoulders like Olivia does. Olivia’s mum died when she was really little, and Bolivia’s mum is still around. There’s lots of little, subtle differences.
Altlivia will be a double agent of sorts over here. How will that play out?
Altivia is kind of cocky, so she thinks that if no one says anything, she’s doing a good job. I don’t know how good a job she is doing. [Laughs] She’s like, “Yeah, this is cool. OK. Bring it on. A new challenge and a new mission.”
Josh has said he’s not in favor of an Olivia-Peter romance. Where do you stand?
Especially with the way the last season ended, of course they’re supposed to get together! I don’t know when, but that’s been set up from the start. What the writers are really good at doing is constantly teasing that out. Everytime they take one step forward, all of a sudden there’s another massive obstacle in the way to prevent that. If all of a sudden you’ve got this relationship in the show, it becomes a completely different thing. You want to keep that little bit alive, right? Because that’s how it goes. At the end of the second season, Olivia says to Peter, “I’ve tried to think of all these reasons why you should come back, but at the end of the day, you have to because I think you belong with me.” That’s her declaration of love, and Peter accepts and says OK and comes back and comes back for her. And of course it’s not our Olivia who ends up coming back. Again, it’s not going to work. But I don’t mind if they get together. I think they would handle it in a way that wouldn’t override the show.
With Altlivia on our side, you can see the love triangle coming — although I guess it’s more of a 3D love triangle, with a weird alternate-universe hypotenuse.
[Laughs] I know! I think so, too. I don’t know what they’re going to do with that or how they’re going to resolve that.
Do you look forward to playing that kind of romance? It would be different than what we’ve seen so far in the show.
To tell you the truth, no, I don’t. I love the fight – and when I say the fight, I don’t necessarily mean the stunt fighting. I like playing the stuff with fight and with drive, when it’s connected to a bigger thing. I love the scenes when she’s on a mission, where she’s not reactive, she’s really proactive and she’s sorting it out and she’s getting it together.
In the first three episodes, are there any huge surprises or big shockers?
I think there is. The first episode back is great, and it’s not like a bombshell because it moves so quickly, but it sets the premise for what the— I was going to say themes. See, it’s so stupid. I never know what I can and what I can’t say, or how you tease something eloquently.
They need to give you crib notes for every episode.
Yeah! You become so inarticulate and you just sound like, “Um, well, it’s really fun but, um…” Anyway, the first episode does set the tone for where they’re going to go, with the alternate universe and back over here, and it’s a fantastic episode.
Do you love all the geek cred you now have?
What geek cred do we have?
You have a lot. A lot of people, like myself, feel that Fringe became a stronger show than Lost last year.
Whenever we’re doing any kind of thing where we actually get to interact with the audience, it’s a real mix of people, to tell you the truth. They must all go home and be secret geeks. I never feel like, “Oh my God, how do you answer a bunch of nerds who sit on their computer?” I’m just glad people like the show, really. So, yes is the short answer. [Laughs]
E! Kristen: Gasp! Is Fringe's Walternate Actually a Good Guy? John Noble Sure Thinks So Today
Michael Courtney/FOX
As far as we've always known, Fringe's Walternate is an evil genius, and original-flavor Walter is a big ol' softy. But what if that's not really the case? We just caught up with the incomparable John Noble and chatted about tonight's season-three premiere, why Walternate is actually "good" (whaaa?!)—and while we were at it, we kinda wrote the plot for season four together:
"Walternate is a good man," John gushed about his alter ego. "He's saving his world. If our world was disintegrating, we'd want someone to step up; that's truly what Walternate does."
Kind of makes you think, right? "He's cold and manipulative and wounded, so all those things when you first meet him make you think he's a hard man," continues John. "But he has reason to be. Someone stole his son, for goodness sake. I'd be furious. I have some affection for Walternate, even though he's not a crowd favorite."
True, the inclusion of Walternate into the world of Fringe has been a difficult one for fans to accept, and it obviously hasn't gone unnoticed. But John actually believes that unease may benefit season three.
"We've got to play on both sides, which is the radical change to this season," he explained. "And I want to see the audience's response to us playing two universes. If we can do it [right], it'll be magical. The characters on the other side are going to have to make themselves likable."
And here's where things get interesting: John has his own plans for the future of Fringe. A plan that involves peace and love and the coming together of both Walters.
Laughs John: "What's got to happen is that there has to be peace made. If this breach is indestructible, what if the two great minds of each world got together and said, 'We know how to fix it.' They could. And if we want a fourth season, they better. I just thought of this! Wouldn't it be cool if Walter and Walternate put their heads together and said 'Let's do this'?"
So cool! And a coming together of the two worlds wouldn't mark the end of the show, because as John puts it: "What about all the other universes that we haven't even looked at? There are many things to discover. We've still got to work out how many men Nina has slept with!"
See? Lots more Fringe to come if we just give Walternate a fair shot.
Love him or hate him, Walternate and the Fringe gang are back tonight at 9 p.m. on Fox, and you need to be there.
NY Magazine: From Bad Dads to Mystery Boxes: The Ten Hallmarks of a J.J. Abrams Project

9/22/10 at 12:00 PM
Through four seasons of Felicity, five seasons of Alias, the Lost pilot, Mission: Impossible 3, Star Trek, Fringe, tonight's new show Undercovers, and beyond, J.J. Abrams's creative output has been dazzlingly diverse and prolific. Yet it doesn't matter whether he’s dealing with love-addled college students, time travel, or bantering spies — certain archetypes, stylistic notes, creative approaches, and themes recur again and again. After a careful poring through Abrams’ entire body of work, we have spotted the following ten hallmarks of his oeuvre. And when you tune in to Undercovers tonight, you’re bound to see at least five of them in the pilot alone.
1. Daddy Issues. Abrams’s second produced screenplay, Regarding Henry, centered around a husband and father so narcissistic, intimacy-phobic, unethical, and disinterested in his wife and preteen daughter that it took a bullet to the head to make him reassess his position at the head of the dinner table. The parade of Abrams’s rogue dads that followed could make an orphan feel lucky. Alcoholic Andrew Covington (John Ritter) made a toe-curling come-on to his son’s serial squeeze Felicity Porter (Keri Russell) on Felicity, and Jack Bristow (Victor Garber) took an entirely Machiavellian approach to fatherhood in the first season of Alias. But both paled in comparison to Lost’s bad-dad trifecta: Jack’s scornful boozer ghost dad (who may or may not have been boinking his daughter-in-law per the Abrams-co-written season-three opener); Sawyer’s homicidal/suicidal old man; and Locke’s kidney-stealing pop. Fringe centers on a lead character, Olivia, whose defining childhood moment was gunning down her abusive stepfather at the tender age of nine, and every week it acts out the drama between mad son (Joshua Jackson) and mad genius father (John Noble). And when it was J.J.'s turn to reboot Star Trek, he reimagined the franchise as a space opera built around two kids, Kirk and Spock, trapped in the long shadows of a pair of powerful fathers.
2. Fingerprints Everywhere. As if writer-director-producer didn’t already have enough hyphens, the almost-comically productive Abrams also wrote the musical themes to Fringe, Alias, and Felicity, and co-designed the opening titles for Alias, Fringe, and Lost. (That paradigmatic drifting lettering? Abrams tossed that off during sound-mix sessions for the pilot.) Abrams, whose grandfather owned a company that made electronics kits, has always been a multitalented, tech-obsessed, natural-born tinkerer. He even troubleshot visual effects for M:I3, earning a last-listed credit in the end crawl of much-less-famous effects technicians.
3. Pure Torture. Something must have clicked when Abrams wrote a tickle-torture scene for Mel Gibson and his character’s girlfriend in his early spec script, Forever Young. Because things only escalated from there, with him often incorporating far less giggly ways of making his heroes talk. In the first few seconds of the Alias premiere, Jennifer Garner's head was brutally dunked into a toilet. In M:I3, Tom Cruise took an onscreen shellacking (complete with a climactic temporary suicide and ad-libbed defibrillation) that represents a career high for Cruise character punishment. Given the keys to the Star Trek franchise, Abrams reenacted the Ceti Eel interrogation from Wrath of Khan, though Nero’s Klingon prison-camp torture escape wound up on the cutting-room floor.
4. Crisis Now, Explanation Later. Abrams likes to begin his films (and pilots) by throwing us right in the middle of some chaotic danger, establishing a tense tone, and then backing up to fill in how we got there: Both M:I3 (a nominal remake of the Alias series pilot) and Star Trek begin in full dramatic boil before flashing back (or forward, in the case of Trek) to how it all began. We met Alias’s Sydney mid-waterboarding, then zipped back to her taking an exam at school. The cast of Lost met and mingled for the first time amid the still-exploding wreckage of Oceanic Flight 815. MI:3 kicked off with a torture scene that resolves five reels later. A very different doomed flight erupted into a gooey airborne apocalypse in the first moments of Fringe. An Abrams show begins with a chokehold, not a hand-hold. He grabs the audience's attention first, and only after does he establish what's actually happening.
5. Girl Power. In the eighties, James Cameron was the champion of the female action hero, but in Avatar he manned up with Sam Worthington. Now Abrams (along with Joss Whedon) remains the distaff ass-kicker’s best friend. Women took care of business in Alias, Lost, MI:3, Fringe, and Undercovers, though unlike other exponents of the tough-girl act, Abrams doesn’t need to strap a gun or a badge onto his heroines to give them strength. Whether coed (Felicity) or fugitive (Kate), J.J.’s girls have power and character nuance to spare.
6. Time Means Nothing. In an Abrams saga, a character's past is not only imperfect, it’s impermanent. In last year’s Star Trek reboot, Abrams, Roberto Orci, and Alex Kurtzman so ingeniously braided character backstory with a time-travel revenge plot that they completely restarted a franchise, wiping clean a story Bible that had become hopelessly convoluted. Lost's flashes forward, back, and sideways created a subgenre of competing network rip-off vehicles (The Nine, Daybreak, Flash Forward) that ran on slippery time rails. Even Felicity wound up with a bizarre time-travel conceit in which she came back from the future via a spell cast by her Goth roommate. Hey, you have to start somewhere …
7. The McGuffin Ever since Hitchcock, the “mystery box” has been a cinema staple, whether it’s the hissing atomic Pandora’s box in Kiss Me Deadly, the ark in Raiders of the Lost Ark, or Pulp Fiction’s glowing briefcase. And, as Abrams explained in his TED Talk master class on storytelling, the concept has always fascinated him. Along with clips and PowerPoint slides, Abrams showed the TED audience the wreckage of a Kleenex box he’d dissembled in his hotel room and a magic-shop Mystery Box usually on display in his office that has remained intact since he bought it in childhood. And the Abrams filmography is stocked with plot-charging mystery boxes, totems, and grails, whether they are opened intentionally (Lost’s hatch, Star Trek’s red matter), accidentally (the airstream body freezer in Forever Young, the Area 51 box car in the Super 8 trailer), or not at all (Mae's mystery trove on Six Degrees, Felicity's roommate Megan's magic box, and, seriously, what was the "rabbit's foot" in M:I3?). Of course, his obsession with riddles and reveals goes beyond the films and shows themselves; his viral campaigns and mysterious teasers have established him as one of Hollywood's most dramatic showmen. In Abrams's hands, secrecy-shrouded projects like Cloverfield and Super 8 become fan-titillating mystery boxes that are only unwrapped on opening day.
8. The Big Conspiracy Abrams's dogged paranoia about governments, corporations, and shadowy institutions would make Franz Kafka proud, and he anchors his many conspiracies in the weight of ominous myth and the gravity of fact. Milo Rambaldi in Alias combined Da Vinci’s genius with Nostradamus's impenetrable pseudo-mysticism. Lost's Hanso Foundation and Dharma Initiative stirred up a baffling stew of scientific-magical-spiritual double-crossing. Fringe’s dimension-spanning governmental secret war owes as much to Joseph Campbell as to The Parallax View. Next year Super 8 will unpack a scenario that combines the U.S. Army’s disturbing real-life practice of moving potentially deadly cargo by train with rumors about Area 51’s alien hardware collection.
9. Talk to the Camera. Abrams and others in his Bad Robot stable have successfully traded on the mock-doc trope for years, even to the point where Abrams guest-directed an episode of The Office. Though Felicity's film-school video cam “docuvent” plot device could strain viewer patience as much as it got on the nerves of Sean Blumberg’s put-upon friends, Cloverfield's use of lo-fi video was a master class in etching small realism and immediacy into a Godzilla-size plot — all while helping keep the budget small.
10. Greg Grunberg, Perpetual Co-star Over the course of his two-decade upward career trajectory, Abrams has made sure to keep familiar faces along for the ride, most notably childhood friend Grunberg, a regular on Alias and Felicity who has popped up in some capacity (from large supporting role to voice-over) in a slew of Bad Robot productions. Like other Abrams regulars (such as actress Amanda Foreman, composer Michael Giacchino, and editor Mary Jo Markey), he seems to have good-luck-charm status, and will undoubtedly continue to shape the Abrams universe, in any number of dimensions and space-time continuums.
Thursday, September 16, 2010
Exclusive First Look: Easter Egg filled 'Fringe' photos
September 16, 2010 ι Jarett Wieselman
On September 23, Fox's sensational sci-fi drama "Fringe" returns with a third season, a second universe and a big batch of questions. The show is notorious for peppering its episodes with easter eggs and the same is true for these brand new promotional pictures PopWrap is debuting exclusively.
From Walternate & BOlivia walking through the background to that shadowy man looming over Olivia (above), you can be damn sure there's a lot to be learned from scrolling through these character posters.
So take a moment to educate yourself while gazing at Anna Torv, Joshua Jackson and the rest of "Fringe's" crack team of TV trailblazers.
Austello Spoilers
Question: Seriously, no Fringe scoop last week? Why do I even bother to read this column? —Brett
Ausiello: That’s between you, your therapist, and the lovely people at CVS. If it’s any consolation, I have Fringe scoop this week. Actually, I’ve got a few Fringe scoops. The first one comes courtesy of John Noble, who reveals exactly how Walternate plans to pull Peter’s strings from the alt-universe. “[Walternate] has to ensure that [Peter] continues to work on our side,” says Noble, “and he’ll do that through alt-Olivia.” Okay, I’ll bite: How exactly will Bolivia manipulate Peter? Noble hesitates before whispering, “She seduces him… Did I just say that? Did I just drop a big teaser?” I believe you did, sir!
Question: Does the fact that Fringe is setting every other episode “over there” mean that we’re going to see more of Charlie this season? —Melissa
Ausiello: That’s precisely what that means. Charlie remains active in the alt-world’s Fringe division, so look for him to appear in multiple episodes—beginning with next Thursday’s season premiere.
TV Guide on Olivia in Season 3
How is Nolivia different than Olivia on Fringe? — Ken
MICKEY: The season premiere, titled simply "Olivia," addresses that question in an unexpected way. You see, not only has Olivia been kidnapped and imprisoned "over there," but her captors are trying to forcibly convince her that she is Nolivia. They start with her marksmanskip skills.
TV Guide: Exclusive First Look: Fringe, Reloaded
by Natalie Abrams
If you think Fringe's alternate universe is confusing, don't be misled: It'll actually be easier to follow along as the Fox series reboots once again in Season 3.
"The beginning of the third season, it's like a pilot again," Anna Torv says. Why? Because our Olivia is being implanted with Faux-livia's memories while rehashing and struggling to hold onto her own.
Fringe: 8 Steps to navigating the alternative universe
For diehard fans, though, the overload of old information won't distract from all the new.
"All the details are there if you're looking for them, but if you're not, I don't think it pushes anybody away," Torv adds.
Get a refresher course on where Fringe has been and where it's going from the cast in our exclusive video below:
Tuesday, September 14, 2010
John Noble defends 'Fringe' science
By Morgan Jeffery, TV Reporter
Fringe star John Noble has defended the credibility of the science featured on the show.
Speaking in an official Fox video, the actor insisted that many of the storylines featured on the drama were based on real science.
He said: "It's scientifically proven that there are things within our brain capacity [like] telepathy. We can do all these things, it's just that we're not refined enough. This is not really mysterious."
"I think what we're talking about now as being science fiction, [in] ten years time will be on everyone's iPod," he continued. "It's the way change is happening."
Noble also dismissed the suggestion that viewers might struggle to understand the show's complex science.
"[Viewers] don't have to understand all the science," he argued. "I don't understand it all, but it doesn't mean to say we can't go with the flow. We don't have to underestimate our audiences. If we act well enough and tell the stories well enough, then people will come for the ride, I think."
The third season of Fringe begins September 23 on Fox.
A little fanfare to kick off Fox's new season
By Bill Keveney, USA TODAY
The wild world of Fringe doesn't scare John Noble, who plays mad genius Walter Bishop.
"We've created two universes, so now we have to use them," he said. "We want to do something radical. We want to see if we can run a show in two places."
He's game for more twists. "I would say to the writers, 'Keep throwing risks at us. Throw the hard stuff at us.' "
Follow the link for information on other shows.
Exclusive: First Look at Fringe's Season Opener!

Sep 2, 2010 12:03 PM ET
by Damian Holbrook9 Comments..
FringeAlt, who goes there?!
The alternate universe is in for a major dose of Dunham when the real Olivia gets the upper hand on a very messed-up resident of the other side as she battles her way home in Fringe's season premiere. Considering the producers have told TV Guide Magazine that the other side has super-healing nanotechnology (and that actor Seth Gable would be back on the show), could Agent Dunham be facing down the previously incinerated Lincoln Lee? And more importantly, will she be able to get back to our universe before her doppelganger gets her paws on Peter?
Find out in three weeks when Fringe kicks off its third season with the "Olivia" episode on Sept. 23 at 9/8c, on Fox. Until then, share your thoughts about what's going on in this pic in the comments below.
Fringe Season 3 Episode 7: Casting Notice
Fringe Season 3 Episode 7 – Casting Notice, Director, Writers Names & Shooting Schedule
Director: Chuck Russell
Writers: David Wilcox/Graham Roland
Shoot Dates: September 16-27
Location: Vancouver
[YOUNG WYATT] This Caucasian man in his mid 20’s is sickly and thin. He has an unusual face and pale eyes. Please submit bald actors or actors willing to shave their head. Guest Star.
Source: Rhoswen/twp forum
Tuesday, September 7, 2010
Monday, September 6, 2010
Fringe Season 3 Commercials
Man this looks awesome! I can't wait!
Zap To It: 'Fringe's' Joshua Jackson: Peter may have already chosen Alternate Olivia
'Fringe's' Joshua Jackson: Peter may have already chosen Alternate Olivia
By Carina Adly MacKenzie
September 1, 2010 11:28 PM ET
While Joshua Jackson may be the only member of the "Fringe" cast who isn't playing two different characters in Season 3, he's not without his share of doppelganger drama. In the Season 2 finale, Peter and Olivia (Anna Torv) finally kissed after she told him that regardless of which version of reality he's from, he belongs with her.
Jackson isn't so sure. Could it be possible that Peter's real connection isn't with Olivia, but with the alternate version of her?
"What I'm curious about is how invested he's going to get in Alt-Livia," Jackson says. "The reason that I think that Olivia and Peter, for the two years that they were together, never quite could figure out how to bridge the gap and find that spark, is because they're not from the same side."
With Alternate Olivia (who is referred to as "Bolivia" by the "Fringe" production team), Peter doesn't have that problem. "The reason why Peter and other-Olivia hit it off so quickly is because all the subterranean stuff that was there between Peter and regular Olivia just feels more natural," Jackson tells us. "It's some sort of animal instinct that these two, being from the same side, share. I'd love to see a version where the other Olivia and Peter get really, actually involved in each other as opposed to just the cloak and dagger spy stuff that they've got going on now, so that when she's gone, now he's a bit conflicted."
There will inevitably be a collision between the two universes, where Alternate Olivia's identity is revealed. Jackson isn't talking about how that may happen - he doesn't even know himself - but as far as he's concerned, Peter isn't going to have an easy decision to make. "He's now torn again, between the two worlds, not knowing where his loyalties lie."
We like conflicted Peter better than the suggestion a fan posed at Comic-Con, which was a rather creepy threesome between Peter and the Olivias. Judging by Jackson's reaction, he wasn't really keen on that idea, either. "Am I a prude, or was that the most awkward question ever asked?"
Note: The following video contains some rough language and is not appropriate for children.
Chicago Now: Exclusive: Shawn and Aaron Ashmore guest star on 'Fringe'
Exclusive: Shawn and Aaron Ashmore guest star on 'Fringe'
Shawn and Aaron Ashmore get to play alternate versions of themselves on "Fringe" this fall.
Aaron (left) and Shawn Ashmore currently are filming their guest starring roles on Fox's "Fringe."
.The acting twins guest star as brothers in an episode of the Fox thriller that won't air until probably November. Fox has threatened to send some alt universe enforcers after me if I reveal any details about the Ashmores' characters or the plot of their episode, so I'm keeping mum. (I saw an Observer in my hotel lobby earlier, by the way.)
After watching a few scenes being shot on the Vancouver set earlier this week, I can say it's going to be a very cool episode with exciting action and some weird Fringey stuff happening.
I chatted with Shawn on set, who told me this is the first time he and Aaron have acted together in about 15 years.
"We're having fun with it, running around on set and fooling everybody," he said. "It's been fun. It's a huge experience and a good show."
Shawn, who played Bobby Drake the Iceman in the "X-Men" movies, and Aaron, who played Jimmy Olsen on "Smallville," haven't co-starred in anything in a long time for a simple reason.
"It's usually because the stuff that came along is kind of hokey, but I think the quality of 'Fringe' is really high and the episode is done well and our characters are intelligent," Shawn said. "We're going to have some fun."
I'll have more on the Ashmore episode closer to airtime. Come back next week for more on my visit to the set as well. I'll have interviews with John Noble, Kirk Acevedo and Seth Gabel.
Season 3 Premiere Press Release
After the extraordinary turn of events that shockingly left an imprisoned Olivia “over there,” she fights to find her way home. Meanwhile, Peter and Walter try to move on with their lives unknowingly alongside alternate Olivia in the “Olivia” season premiere episode of FRINGE airing Thursday, Sept. 23 (9:00-10:00 PM ET/PT) on FOX. (FR-301) (TV-14 L, V)
Cast: Anna Torv as Olivia Dunham; Joshua Jackson as Peter Bishop; John Noble as Walter Bishop; Lance Reddick as Phillip Broyles; Blair Brown as Nina Sharp; Jasika Nicole as Astrid Farnsworth
Guest Cast: Andre Royo as Henry; Amy Madigan as Marilyn
Source: Fox
First Look: Andre Royo with Anna Torv on 'Fringe'
by Lynette Rice
Sep 2, 2010, 03:43 PM ET
Image Credit: Liane Hentscher/Fox

Fringe Easter Eggs Crack Open in Season Three Poster
We break down what you can expect in Fringe Season Three, based on one promo image. The answer? Not a lot.
By Alex Zalben September 2, 2010
We are now so very, very close to the start of Fringe season three, and to just tease us further, FOX has released a promo poster full of hints and clues. You can check out the full size version to the right, but here’s what you’re looking for (or, at least what’s so far been identified by Obsessed Fringey:
•A Leaf Glyph
•A Massive Dynamic Cup
•A Smoke Glyph
•A Frog Glyph
•A Seahorse Glyph
•A Hand Glyph
•The Observer
•A Fringe Division Logo
•A Flower Glyph
•A Butterfly Glyph
Without clicking through to Obsessed Fringey (they’ve been nice enough to clearly label them all), can you spot every hidden bit?
As for the non-hidden bits, it’s a fairly generic poster... FOX has been going with the “Fringe Division looks at you the viewer from a weird angle” since the first season. Though I guess it’s sort of notable to mention that Walter is eating (or rather drinking) something, a major part of his character*. And we’re seeing Olivia on the poster, not Olivinot (or Altlivia, or whatever you prefer). Also, the Joshua Jackson on the poster isn’t Peter Bishop, it’s Jackson’s character from Urban Legend.
Fringe returns September 23rd, and we can’t wait.
*Though I’m a little bummed its not J.J. Abrams' stand-by easter egg, Slusho.
Season 3 Poster